a simple compiled code is run on a C compiler as well as java virtual machine. which runs faster and y?
3 6845100,1,99,2,98,3...... write a C pgm to generate this series with user input for the number of nos. to b displayed..
7 9676Post New Exilant Interview Questions
How can avl tree be useful in all the operations as compared to binary search tree?
What is meant by“call by value” in python?
How many columns can be added in a table in mysql?
explain the different types of control flags for the 8086?
a program that performs some preliminary processing in C, it acts upon certain directives that will affect how the compiler does its work a) compiler b) loader c) directive d) preprocessor
What is the use of progress Bar Control?
Which type of load is preferred to load data from previously loaded data?
Define What is a kip?
Explain vldb?
What is the primary benefit of encapsulation?
How we can load multiple helper files in codelgniter?
Can one database have multiple instances?
What do you mean by bootstrapping and how you will find the user data and meta data over the instances.
What is applicationid?
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