Three boxes labeled as red, blue and mixed.These labels are box contains red balls and another box contains blue balls and remaining one box contains both red and blue balls. Pickup one ball from any box(u should pickup ball only once) and name the correct labels.
7 91828there are 2 hour glass. one is 13min hour glass. another is 8min hour glass. u need to stop a button exactl aftr do u calculate when 18min is passed?
3 10293there is a desert. a professor has to cross it n it takes 6days for him to cross. there are enough food reserves and students who can help d professor cross d desert. each person including professor can carry only 4 food packets with him while crossing the desert. in d desert also, each person can hav at the most 4 packets with him and they need to eat one packet per person per day during their travel. how wil d professor reach the other side of desert??
8 11197there are 6 balls all of same weight except one ball. u r given a weighing balance. in how many trys can u find the ball tat has different weight? (the ball can b heavier or lighter than the rest)
10 29311there are 5 boxes each of which contains coins. all the boxes except one box contains coins whose weight is 100 grams.(each coin weight is 100gm). only one box contains coins tat weigh 90gm each. u r given a digital balance. in how many trys can u find out which box contains 90gm coins?
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