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eMids Interview Questions
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There are 2 clients for a server and that clients can access the data from the server only for 10 days. so how will you test this scenario manually? Can u pls help me?..

4 10130

How we can test a Frame in a web page?

1 2679

Store procedure will return a value?

4 9875

Write UI Test case, Integration Test case, Functional Test case & Performance Test case for the File Menu for MS-Word?


What are the data types is possible to store in session? and can we store dataset in session?

4 14153

I have a textbox , assign required field validator and i have two buttons 1) save 2) cancel , i want the validator run only when i click save button, don't validate cancel button , what to do?

7 16095

Take a Large textbox allow to type any data. Task 1:display the count of vowels in a lable on key press event of the textbox Task 2:dispaly count of dates in a lable when dates in following foramats:dd/mm/yy , mm/dd/yy , yy/mm/dd. Task3:compare 2 dates and display both are same or not which dates are in dd/mm/yy and mm/dd/yy farmats.


servlet life cycle?

4 6641

There is a web Table where You will find Two Columns First Column consist of Check box and Second column consist of Test cases ID(Viz T1,T2,T3....Etc); If You select any Test case ID, respective Check boxes to be checked write a VBSCRIPT for this scenario?

1 3934

how will you clarify the requirements

8 17537

How you will write test cases on DROP DOWN list BOX on GUI

5 61465

What are the JSP implicit objects ?

1 1911

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HI Friends. this is balu. I am looking for testing job in chennai. If u know anything regarding job information. pls send a mail to me


What is a string in mysql?


Explain the table, which contain the details of all the name of the programs and forms?


How do rank () and dense_rank () differ?


What is bpo? Please explain?


What is the difference between metadata and menifest ?


How would you open an ms access database that has been converted to a current version?


What is map side join?


What are the three tactical elements of electronic warfare?


what is sas application server? : Sas-di


Explain how to calculate the rectangle of conductor of different sizes?


How to access an external javascript file that is stored externally and not embedded?


What is the difference between method activity and event activity in workflow ?


What is the use of network interface?


What is an isolated scope?