Take a Large textbox allow to type any data. Task 1:display the count of vowels in a lable on key press event of the textbox Task 2:dispaly count of dates in a lable when dates in following foramats:dd/mm/yy , mm/dd/yy , yy/mm/dd. Task3:compare 2 dates and display both are same or not which dates are in dd/mm/yy and mm/dd/yy farmats.
2724Post New eMids Interview Questions
what is the difference b/w deferred tax exp and defeered tax liab? should Deffered Tax expense be deducted b4 computing Net profit?
define voltage regulator.
What is the python interactive console or python shell?
Does swift have header files?
The data of a view is not physically stored, but derived from one or more tables (t/f) : abap data dictionary
Explain about integrity constraint?
Why should you use azure cdn?
Narrate the difference between python arrays and lists.
What is unit level testing?
What Proc glm does?
Give few difference between constructor and method?
What is the use of rstbserv program?
How many disk partitions should I have?
What is the different between workgroup and domain?
Can arraylist have null values?