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emc2 Informatica Interview Questions
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suppose we have 1 to 10 records.In router transformation we had given two condition A>= 5 A<=5 then what will be the output?

2 6242

In update strategy t/r we had given dd_insert condition & in session we gave delete condition . Then what will happen? mapping will run ?

3 7049

In SCD type 2 if we had select date range. then suppose we had inserted today's date(eq. date is 30 aug 2010) then start date will be today's date(30 aug 2010) what will be the end date,we cant leave it blank?

2 7470

how many new transformations are introduced in 8.1 which are not available in 7.1? any new transformation in 8.6?

2 4581

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Un-Answered Questions

How am I able to delete historical data?


What is work basket?


Does sonication extract integral membrane protein?


What are the disadvantages of kotlin?


Design a mapping to load the cumulative sum of salaries of employees into target table?


Explain the types of Managed Path


What is mvvm in ios swift?


Difference between turbocharging and supercharging in diesel engines?


How do I upload a file using selenium? I need to upload a word file during test execution.


How do I test my cpu speed?


Does Kotlin provide any additional functionalities for standard Java packages or standard Java classes?


What is sta?


Hi frens! I am testing VB project with MS Access database. At add button click my record is storing in data table and it is shown in datagrid. So at Delete button click i want to check datagrid rows 9before and after delete). so how can i do it using descriptive programming?


What is the use of component scan in spring?


What is the source of dependent source ?