what is the use of offset follower in cam? why and where we have to use this type of follower?
6 34781Post New Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University JNTU Interview Questions
How to update values on multiple rows in oracle?
Tell me what is gross profit and net profit?
How does hibernate help in the programming?
Tell me what is affix plugin?
how do you call third selection screen ?
How do you cost justify erp?
How do I use gmail instead of outlook?
Why do you want job in a government institution when you can get better salary in private jobs?
How have you used ActionScript in your Flash development? To what length?
What is the full form of getch?
Which package is imported by default in java?
What is Fragmentation and Defragmentation? For 32GB Table,How can we do the fragmentation?
How can you use “$rootscope” in angularjs?
What is new in this field for past few years?
What will be the current drawn by HT motor, if low voltage is applied.. any formula to calculate the LT amps of HT motor.?