Prepare the UGC CSIR net question papers those are enough. The question paper will be of 50 questions in size each 3 marks and with a negative of -1 for each wrong answer
2640Post New Ecil Engineering AllOther Interview Questions
What are the types of the programming language used in the sap abap software?
Illustrate how to determine the amount of physical CPUs a Unix Box possesses (LINUX and/or Solaris).
Explain how many cells are in the average human brain?
How do you improve the performance of the Cognos Analytics report
Explain Eraser Tool?
What are the major differences between Scala’s Auxiliary constructors and Java’s constructors?
Is printf(?%d?,p); valid?
What is odbc in vc ++?
what is the codec silverlight supports for hd streaming?
Where are group policies stored? : java security
What is the vector class in java programming?
how we can know the funcions available in a class recording java?
What is a javascript factory?
Explain what is SAS informats?