When we are calculating the heat load sheets,why we are not considering the heat developed from the blood in the human body.Also both men & women can't acess aircondition in same way..women feel too cool even at 22 degree,while men can overcome that.
1590how hydrogen cooled alternator undergo maintanence ? that is hydrogen when come in contact with air can result into explosions .
1628Post New DVC Interview Questions
Q. 5 Discuss the nature and types of secondary data sources. Also discuss the data research procedure.
How assembly versioning in .NET prevent DLL Hell problem?
What is Code group in .Net with respect to CAS
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List the various protocols utilized in the messaging layer in wcf?
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Which plant fossil is the oldest among the others those found by archeologists?
How to explain a banking project in interview as a test engineer???
How many languages are supported by .NET at present time?
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What is the function of the clone stamp tool in photoshop?
After conducting an internet search for ways to reduce energy costs, I found a recipe for whitewashing that is said to reflect sunlight. The recipe calls for 20 pounds hydrated lime to 5 gallons water to 1-quart polyvinyl acetate. What is a good source of polyvinyl acetate that I can buy at a local store?
Can you define an argument as a reference type?
How would you configure your networking files to connect to a database by the name of DSS which resides in domain icallinc.com?