what will be the maximum winding temperature of 6.6kv HT motor 450kw, Full load current 49A. 50Hz Frequency.
2911Post New DVC Interview Questions
Explain types of descriptive programming?
What are cross object formula fields?
Do we require two servers for the namenode and the datanodes?
Explain syntax for viewing, dropping and disabling triggers?
What is a stack class in java ?
What is a socket connection?
How would you generate a random number in python?
What is difference between out and ref in c#?
When Tds is applicable to deduct and wht is rate for different work panel?
what can be used to capture an isam error from an informix odbc program on unix?
Hi can anyone guide me regarding how the interview procedures will be in exterro Inc, Coimbatore
If you worked for Salesforce, what are you doing?
What is the difference between system.string and system.text.stringbuilder classes?
What is the work you have done in the MM module and what programs did you use for creating views in MM ?
Why lose 1 phase voltage in 33kv to 415v stepdown transformer