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DNS Nuclear Physics Interview Questions
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in the caase of transmission of data of OFC, the data will be carried by light energy, how the light energy is created? whether it s created by broad band connector or subscriber itself?


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What is a deferred tax asset and what is its purpose?


What is the use of :: in java?


How will change the instance give type for the instances, which are the running in your applications tier and then using auto scaling. Where will you change it from areas?


How to Get a cool menu in your application?


The ratio of Emissive to absorption power of heat by a body is equal to heat emitted by a perfect black body. Who said the statement


What is the difference between informatica and datastage?


What is the function of flux in welding?


What are the different schemes launched by the government to eradicate poverty?


What cross validation technique would you use on time series data set? Is it k-fold or loocv?


If a table contains 20000 records . In a page at each time 100 records to be displayed what are the steps you will take to improve performance? Will you use dataset or datareader?


Explain the use of dataadapter.


When maximum discharge is obtained in nozzle ?


In the Balance sheet of a company you see the following details, Liabilities: Provision for tax - AY 2008-09 RS 200000 AY 2009-10 RS 300000 AY 2010-11 RS 200000 Assets: Advance Tax- AY 2008-09 RS 150000 AY 2009-10 RS 300000 AY 2010-11 RS 200000 On 15-03-2011, the assessment order for AY2008-09 was received and the final tax liability was stated to be RS 250000. Pass the journal entry for the closing of the relevant accounts in the books for the AY 2008-09.


List functions available to sort an php array?


Which technique is used to predict categorical responses?