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DHL Interview Questions
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what is vat? what is excise? what is form c & d in sales tax?

43 200796

what is marketin and sales

1 4278

what is connection between test plan tab and test lab tab? how can u access your test cases in test lab tab?

5 38856

Whether salary negotiable ?


tell me about yourself?

5 13186

what is your greatest strengths ans weaknesses points?

2 13644

What is stock transfer? for ex: if i purchase a product in chennai and i tranfer it to our branch which is in bangalore. shall the blr office can bill the product to their customer in blr.(purchse frm chennai and bill in blr office is possible?

4 31013

what is the difference between Supply Chain & Logistics???

3 14293

can any 1 say how much % is eligible for wipro bpo?


what is WCT?

4 9101

Tell me about your education & career?


why do have 2 months gap in employment?

1 2955

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Un-Answered Questions

What are the best sites to learn python?


What is role in db2?


What is secondary namenode? Is it a substitute or back up node for the namenode?


What is gos in gsm technology?


What is python package manager (pypm)?


What is the complex report you faced in real time?


How do I turn a table into a list in word?


How do I pipe the output of one isql to another?


Define hibernatetemplate?


What collection types are available in swift?


In an E1 trasaction, if the dealer fails to get the E1form from his supplier& submit it to the Sales Tax Authority, then how much will be the expected penalty from Sales Tax department, if the local tax of those item is 14.5%? Please Note: Dealer has submitted all other documents to sales tax including customer Cform expect E1 form. Kindly give us the valuable answer with the supporting CST circular number.


Can u tell me the principle of the tc,rtd,level switch,pressure switch ,transmitter(pr flow level temp.),vibration...plz


How many types of operators are available in the vbscript language?


How are blocks created?


Why are callback interfaces useful in hibernate?