How does an execution block start and end in pl sql?
Why we use oracle d2k?
Is array immutable in c#?
hey,,,hi have taken an emergency date of 21st july...i was continuously checking for dates n i was not able to get a normal date n my school is starting from 8th of plz tell me can i get a rejection based on this, that i have taken an emergency date?????
What is v&v?
Explain the history of cdma?
How do you organize the pig latin statements?
Difference between sorted and ordered collection in hibernate?
What is difference between post and patch?
What's the difference between microsoft access and excel?
Does python have polymorphism?
What is the script for database check point, bitmapchek point, regular expression ?
Define chevron?
How to clear the text in the text box using selenium webdriver?
what is the difference between do while and do until?