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What is sap asset accounting? : fi- asset accounting
What is wale and course in the textile industry?
What factors are involved in determining the electrophoretic mobility of a molecule?
What does struct node * mean?
How do I install excel on my computer?
 How to use an oracle sequence generator in a mapping?
What is reverse link power control?
I have 2 tables with 1 million rows each. I have updated 1 row in first and 1 million update on second table. Now I commit both the updates. Which one will commit fast and Why?
What is infoobject catalog?
Who is ui/ux developer? What he does?
Where can I find program files x86?
What’s the difference between location and directory sections?
On which basis annealing cycle of steel bars of UpTo 6 MTR can be decided.we r charging 40-45 metric ton load for annealing in bogie furnace?
What are the main functions of rbi?