In PFI plant one stage capacitor connection is directly connected(with out megnetic contact controll). but why?
1979what is the formula to calculate the fuel consumption of a diesel generator at different diferent load.
4 23705Post New Aegis Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
How do I access token?
what is the use of Auto re-closer?
explain apache hbase?
What are the possible test cases for a palindrome.It must be starting with alphabet and its length is 100 .It should accept alphanumerics only.It should take only 100 numerics to the textbox
What is metadata annotations?
What is better react or angular?
Explain the onsavedinstancestate() and onrestoreinstancestate() in activity?
Identify the parts of steam turbine
What is the requirement of grounding the neutral of single phase generators on load? If the neutral is not grounded, what will be the effect?
what are control system components?
What is the difference between drill through and masterdetail reports?
Procurement audits review what? A. The procurement process from Procurement Planning through Contract Administration B. The contract administration process from Solicitation Planning through Contract Administration C. The procurement process from Procurement Planning through Contract Closeout D. The contract administration process from Solicitation Planning through Contract Closeout
Explain what is table in a database?
How can we create a table using R language without using external files?
while doing work in dolphin software when credit note is given by supplier to purchaser then purchaser is debited supplier account so on credit side which account is coming which account should be credited