What is the difference between lock, block and deadlock? : sql server database administration
How do I split a cell vertically in excel 2016?
Explain your experience with soil and water conservation practices and your role in preventing erosion and maintaining soil health.
What is the function of solenoid valve in on/off & shutdown valve and why it is not used in control valve normally?
How we can access to corba objects in orbix?
Is there a handy way to determine if a horizontal pipe is running full if the flow rate is known?
How can reports be bursted based on two groups? I want to schedule to burst a report based on product line and years and I need the burst report for every product line and every year. How can this be done? Please help..
What is the dipole moment direction for methanol?
How would you facet the data using ggplot2 package?
percentage of metal,clay or soil & water in water bond macadam roads to know the quantities for each in total volume of 11500 cubic meters
What yii is so fast?
Explain how you can include condition type in the pricing procedure?
How do you optimize a stored procedure in sql?
How do we implement loops functionally? What is the difference between OOP and FP style loops?
What is difference between sid and service name in oracle?