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CLAT General Knowledge_Current Affairs Interview Questions
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Burma was separated from India in (A) 1901 (B) 1920 (C) 1937 (D) 1939

15 48082

The language spoken by the largest number of people in the world is (a) Hindi (b) English (c) Mandarin (d) Spanish

5 21545

Which one of the following is known as the ?Coffee port? of the world? (a) Sao Paulo (b) Santos (c) Rio de Janeiro (d) Buenos Aires

25 56614

The language spoken by the largest number of people in the world is (a) Hindi (b) English (c) Mandarin (d) Spanish

3 6256

The Planning commission of India is: (a) an autonomous body (b) a constitutional body (c) statutory body (d) non-statutory body

17 61378

If the President has to resign, he sends his resignation to the: (a) Prime Minister (b) Chief Justice of India (c) Vice-President (d) Lok Sabha Speaker

4 19985

The sole power to control the expenditure of the Government rests with the: (a) Parliament (b) Prime Minister (c) President of India (d) Finance Minister (e) Lok Sabha

1 19507

The largest source of revenue in India is (1) Sales tax (2) Excise duty (3) Income tax (4) Corporate tax

22 104680

Numerically the largest human race in the world is 1 Caucasoid 2 Mongoloid 3 Negroid 4 Austroloid

1 13967

What does Gilt-edged market in India mean? 1 Market of gold and silver 2 Market of platinum 3 Market of shares of companies on basis of which the Sensex is calculated 4 Market of safe securities

12 31602

The Chief Justice of High Court in India is appointed by the? 1 Governor of the State 2 Prime Minister of India 3 Chief Justice of the Supreme Court 4 President of India

14 61468

Ms.Jenny Shipley has the honour of becoming the first woman Prime Minister of ?? 1 Australia 2 New Zealand 3 Canada 4 France

2 3698

. Live well, as long as you live. Live well even by borrowing, for, once cremated, there is no return.’ This rejection of after-life is an aphorism of the (a) Kapalika sect (b) Sunyavada of Nagarjuna (c) Ajivikas (d) Charvakas

1 16121

The President’s rule can be imposed in a state for a maximum period of..........

7 31479

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CLAT General Knowledge_Current Affairs Interview Questions

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