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Central Bank of India Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What are the good qualities for a Probationary Officer ?

18 122027

How many such pairs of letters are there in the word STAINLESS each of which has as many letters between them in the word as they have in the English alphabet, in the same sequence? (a) Two (b) Three (c) Four (d) Five (e) None of these

29 133974

Bank Clerical Exams, Model Paper

36 215810

Bank Clerical Exams Model Questions...

125 493062

As per the latest reports, the NPA’s of public sector banks amount to 1 720 Crore 2 54086 Crore 3 7232 Crore 4 4568 Crore

1 4037

interview question for Bank IT officer

40 91984

send me for all banking exam questions and answers

23 26712

please describe your interest in banking and the skills and aptitudes that you feel qualify you for a position with the bank.

1 20122

please send me canara bank probationary officer question paper atleast four or five papers


I am selected for interview for I.T.Officer in central bank of India.Please send what type of questions asked in interview?

6 10320

simple tricks for solving arthematic and reasoning questions in BSRB Clerical exam

2 22683

Dear sir i need central bank of india clerical grade last three year question papers. Kindly forward to my email id,


sir, i need help in preparing the exam .so, please help me by sending some question papers to my mail address

1 3996

CENTRAL BANK OF INDIA Has anybody completed the online form fill up for PO exam??? It's such a waste site, i m trying for last 2 days the page is not opening. Even if it opens and u fill 1st page its not going to 2nd page. What ll be the right time in a day or night to fill the form online when there ll be less load on the server??????

18 19565

Hi Friends, I am going to appear for Central Bank of India's Probationary officers test.Kindly forward if u have the sample papers my ID id is help me friends... Regards, Ramya


Post New Central Bank of India Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is jdbc driver?


when do reducers play their role in a mapreduce task?


What is Data Locality in Hadoop?


What processes are the best fits for rpa automation?


What are the rules in making powerpoint presentation?


Which autogrowth database setting is good? : sql server DBA


What are default session time and path?


What is the difference between html and wordpress?


How do I filter in sql profiler?


How will you display error messages during development in WordPress?


How do you find memory leaks in the mobile app on android platform?


What will be electrical cost per sqft for IT building (basebuild and fitout)and for residential township?


what are the Prerequisites for Replication?


how was school like for someone with turner's syndrome?


What is meant by recursive hints in oracle?