When i went to a interview the interviewer ask me a question for that i cant able to answer him if anyone knows answer me How will you design a capacitor bank for a plant? if my p.f is 0.6 i have to improve it to 0.9 or 1 what kind of steps i have to do? and is there any formula for calculating this?
6 7154with out name plate details , how to find the metering ct and protection ct.?pls brif explaination about that.
3 6804Post New APNPDCL Interview Questions
What do you do to run MRP for just one MRP Controller?
how will you distinguish if it is a process or a thread, provided you know pid in linux operating system?
what is a register when referring to accounting or bookkeeping?
Which is faster ado.net or linq?
Write a short note on ISDN?
What is correlated subquery?
What is broadcast receiver component of android?
I want recent question papers. Now am preparing for BPO interview. please send the papers..
What are different types of joins that are possible in obiee rpd?
What is the datatype of image in mysql?
What Should I Do If I Discover That I Forgot To List A Creditor In The Bankruptcy Schedules?
For 65hp motors how kvr capacitor should be on??
Can I dye my cotton/silk/linen dress?
What are soft assert and hard assert in selenium?
What is dialect in hibernate?