what is the Transformer Impedence?How can calculate?
How can the users return to any particular area of a worksheet?
How could we start writing testcases without having the FRS,BRS Docs? My Project has some docs that are related to explain the operations which will be done in the application. It is deployed in UAT server and is a maintainance project. Tell me some technipues or best way to provide the quality to application?
What is cryptocurrency?
What is Expression?
What is lookup command?
what is the difference between ASMX web services and WCF?
Which is latest version of ms word?
What are data-driven sessions?
How do you declare a method in c#?
What are the mapping paramaters and maping variables?
Explain the types of user exits?
i had aplied Hindustan Petroleum corporation limited for the post of maintenance technician -Electrical,i want model questions,if anybody have please send it or please advice?
How is annotating helpful?
List some features of express js?