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CG Interview Questions
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What was the type of time recording you used in time management. Positive or negative? What is positive time recording and negative time recording? What are the differences between them?

3 15647

1. Why a DC motor starter is called 3 point starter

21 77138

Can a function return a dictionary object?

2 17246

what are the differences between 'exhaust fan', 'heavy-duty exhaust fan' & 'super heavy duty exhaust fan'. what are their power ratings ?


Name some errors which can be detected by Trial Balance


why main steel is to be reinforced in shorter direction in case of slab?

11 67063

What is the full cycle of both AP & AR?

8 63396

what is difference Auto-transformer and ICT ?

1 13801

For a load of 40HP induction motor.what will be size of Armoured copper cable require to connect the motor to starter in Star-Delta?

1 4652

types of transformer ?

3 5746

what is meant by power and distribution transformer ?


How we can come to know the substation range,without go through any name plate ?


Why your client need to implement SAP? And what is the benefit of it?

3 6170

Where can we see existing Validations and Substituitions ?

1 3463

Can I hide the conditions in export excise invoice in from standard configuration


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Un-Answered Questions

What is the use of typedef?


How do abstract classes differ from interfaces?


How to drill through from a powerplay cube to reportnet?


How to make post request in node.js?


How do you filter the objects in the gui map?


How to reporton accounting procedures of any organization and what is the role of Indian GAAP in accounting procedures.


What is the use of defining a newobject in the object repository "Define New TestOject". How to use this further. If we define new testobject, how can it recognizes the objects properties of any application.


What is the difference between data loader and import wizard?


Which are limitations of ajax?


What are the advantages of using angular?


What entries we make in the hibernate config file if we are not using hbm files but annotations?


What is the difference between poi and jxl jar?


Describe the vibration of machinery which is not apparent?


Is lazy thread safe c#?


Who was the author of ember.js?