why you used Java Script? Can it use for both client side and server side validation purpose?
12 31259Post New BeBo Technologies JavaScript Interview Questions
What is dynamic schema and how can we define dynamic schema?
What steps server process has to take to execute an update statement?
In order to ensure constant pressure and constant flow rate of compressed air what should we put between the compressure and end user?
Which one you prefer R or Python for text analytics?
What is mvp in android?
What is the difference between ListView and SummaryView ?
Electronics has given technologies to bank. What are they? Explain?
Can you explain the pathophysiology and symptoms of common kidney diseases such as chronic kidney disease (CKD), kidney stones, and glomerulonephritis?
Is flag a keyword in c?
How do you calculate a story point?
What is linear and non linear structure?
What is thread safe in c#?
Why do we need custom tags?
Does sap vora work with relational data-bases other than sap hana? : hana vora
What does set rowcount do?