I had an Interview yesterday for a Crystal Reports Developer position. Some of these I have not done in my reporting experience and I had just a half day's notice for the interview, hence no prep time :-( 1) Is there a way to be able to change an image(company logo) dynamically in a report? Example if you have 100 reports, and with the market uncertainity if you anticipate that the company logo might change, how can you change the image just in one place and have this reflected in all teh reports at run time? 2) What is a SQL expression? 3) What are field expressions and what are the diff types? (I looked this up in the internet and never found anything with regards to types of field expressions) The interviewer really got me confused as I felt he was not clearly setting forth his questions but it could be that I was unable to understand his wording of the questions. I expect a big zero from his feedback but I am hoping this is an experience for future interviews that I face in crystal reports when I do get some more lined up. Thanks in advance! Anita New Jersey, USA.
5 36188One more interview question If I have the data where some columns have multiple values in a given row of data returned from the database. The stored procedure returns data as it is that is blanks values and non blank values. However, I need to suppress the blank values not by showing 0 values but by shifting the cells up. Is there a way using a formula to shift the blank cell one row up based on a selection critieria? In the example below, I want to get rid of the blank values under Exposure column without replacing with 0. example: Company Margin Exposure AB 500 3 10 7 8 ABC 200 4 2 5 10 Thanks Anita
5 10782Post New Barclays Crystal Reports Interview Questions
Explain about transactional logging?
What are different types of variables in c?
How to run xcode and other tools with the iphone sdk?
What is named query in hibernate?
What is a webrick web server?
What does hadoop-env.sh do?
What are all the excel functions?
How kafka communicate with clients and servers?
If there are two company codes with different chart of accounts how can you consolidate their activities?
How can users design dashboards quickly and without programming experience or training?
Have you used xml check point in your project?
What do you mean by Q+5 in dissolution?
Can vlookup lookup value be a formula?
A super elevation of 60 cm has been provided on a 8m wide road and a curve of 260m radius .calculate the max.speed in km/hr of the vehicle that can be negotiated safely? Plz answer with full solution.thanx