Founder of Tuluva dynasty: (a) Krishna Devaraya (b) Immadi Narasimha (c) Vira Narasimha (d) Narasanayaka
2 10711can anyone gave me a sample phone conversation between agent and customer... a complainant customer pls...
2 15626What do you mean by the working-capital of an organization??? How is it calculated????? Also Define the importance of liquidity ratio along with its formula.
5 10993Can anyone give answer for the below question. Why you are looking out for a change from your current organisation with in a short span of time.
3 5918Post New BA Continnum Solutions Interview Questions
please briefly explain calculating or estimating steel quantity for a RCC column?
What is apc?
how you can run Rails application without creating databases?
What are the authentication methods in .net?
A text file that contains declarations used by a group of functions,programs,or users a) executable file b) header file c) obj file d) .cfile
Which type of object is used to organize and store data in microsoft access?
What does f10 do?
What is SDP? Which signaling protocols use it?
Define load factor?
Difference between hashset and treeset?
Does gmail have an app for windows 10?
Explain the highlights of rpa (robotic process computerization)?
What is sox (sarbanes oxley)?
What is integrated planning in co-om-cca? : co- cost center accounting