Which of the following countries enjoys a federal form of Govt.? i)China,ii) USA, iii) cuba, and iv)Belgium
2 4788How many times the President of India can seek re-election to his post? a) Once b) 2 times c) 3 times d) Any number of times
7 20290Which of the following appointments is not made by the President of India? a) Speaker of the LOk Sabha. b) Chief of Air Staff c) Chief of Army
3 7063Who wrote the recent best selling book "The Road Ahead"? a) Bill Clinton b) I.K. Gujral c) Bill Gates c) T.N. Seshan
8 11728who translated the novel NIL Darpan in English? a) Rabindranath Tagore b) Madhusudan Dutta C) Dinabandhu Mitra d) Bankim Chandra Chatterjee.
10 39495Which one of the following countries has the longest international boundary with India. a) Bangladesh b) Bhutan c) China d) Pakistan
13 36757Which actor played the role of Mahatama Gandhi in the film 'Gandhi'? a)Paresh rawal b) ben kingsley c) abhijit
7 9534Post New Sodexo Interview Questions
What is fault masking explain with example?
What is cqlsh?
What is application Object?
How many types of windows are there?
Can any one explain how we will configure milestone billing , periodic billing and which scenario we will use?
What is server side session management?
What is strcmp?
How do I match data in two columns in excel?
How is pl sql different from sql?
What is ios application life cycle?
Mention what does the shell commands “capture” and “consistency” determines?
Which country level is below low sea level?
write the a cl program with the following specification A. Accept 2 parameters-date and date type B. if date type is J then convert date to *MDY format C. if date type is M convert date to *JUL format 4.send a program message with the value of converted date Please explain for each with coding?
How to replace the Query Result 'Null Value' with a text ?
In how many ways we can retrieve table records count? How to find the count of records in a dataset?