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. Token currency was introduced for the first time in India by (1) Ala-ud-din Khilji (2) Firuz Shah Tughluq (3) Ghiyaz-ud-din Tughluq (4) Muhammed-bin Tughluq

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Explain booting the system in operating system.


What is the array and initializing arrays in c++?


What are accessories in computer?


How do I insert a merge field in word?


I'm using Delphi 4/5 and have am trying to fill a RichEdit control with both European characters and Thai characters - while I can change character colours the font stays with what was selected for the control:- reLangB.SelAttributes.Color :=dCol; reLangB.SelAttributes.Name :=FontName[dLang]; reLangB.SelAttributes.Charset :=FontChar[dLang]; reLangB.SelAttributes.Style :=[]; reLangB.Lines.Add(dText); The FontName and FontChar arrays contain the font info, and using a similar method for Captions and EditBoexes works! Anybody any ideas? Thanx in advance!


Name Different Kinds of Debentures According to Redemption Point of View?


How can we exit the spy mode in blue prism?


What is called in angular?


In a power conditoining unit (inverter) of a solar plant when we measure the d.c. current fed by different strings of solar plates to inverter, the current in the negative wire is less almost by 1 ampere to the current in its positive wire say current in positive wire 5 A , then current in negative wire of the same string is 4 A. Since the current entering should be equal to current leaving then why the current is noticably less in negative wire.


What are the types of normalization?


How do vlookups work?


Will using wordpress help my site show up on google?


Why is there no polymorphic-type response from a create () or find () method?


What is eval command?


Why is naive bayes better than decision tree?