Explain DBMS, RDBMS?

Answer Posted / antony

Explain the DBMS, RDBMS?


DBMS is Data Base Management System. It is a
collection of data in a database. DBMS is just collection
of tables that dont have relations and dependencies.Client
Side processing File Level traffic is High Distributed
Network not supported Nomenclature concept of File. Dbms
won't allow you share the data server to clint.Only one
user can access the database at a time in DBMS.ADBMS is
enabled by vector field and is "one"dimensional.


RDBMS is Relational Data Base Management System.
RDBMS is a collection of related data in a database.In
RDBMS we have relations of tables say primary key ,foreign
keys relation ,,that involves refrential integrity and
normalication like concepts where as Server Side Processing
Row Level Locking Network traffic is Low Distributed
Network Supported Nomenclature Concept of Table.But in
RDBMS we can share data server to client.But RDBMS allows
simultaneous access of users to the database. RDBMS is
enabled nu static "2"-dimensional tables.

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