expand C I S F

Answer Posted / srinivas

It is an elite paramilitary force of India which protects
the critical infrastructure of India including Airports.

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How will we calculate T1, T2 capital in CRR(Cash Reserve Ratio)?


Your company code use USD as the company currency. You are trying to post to an account in EUR but get an error message that you can see the problem. What is the reason?( any 1 answer) • The currency maintained in the account master record is USD • The translation rate between EUR and USD is NOT maintained • The only balances in local currency indictor is set in the account. • The account determination for exchange rate difference is missing for the account


service tax form no ? What is CC Limit ? What is branch accounts?


The Closing stock balance on the cr side of Tarding Proft and Loss A/c due to this our revenue so when we isued the material or used in production then whats happen with closing stock(I think Closing Stock will dr after Isuabce/use materil in Production)if its correct tell me


A Customer has a MNC which has a Unit in USA , All use Same Operation Chart of A/c but they also want local reporting for USA unit .What should they do ? Optons : Use Group chart of account & Group a/c no * Use Group a/c no & Alternative a/c no.2 Use Country Specific Chart of A/c


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You are working in a Company but due to certain reasons you were not able to complete the work given to you on time, so to write a Letter of Apology to your Senior regarding it.


What is the value of inventory as per Financial Accounts (AS2) and as per Cost accounts? Someone told me that as per cost accounts only works costs is considered in CARR while for FA, AS2 is followed with cost or NRV whichever is lowewr? Please explain the difference.


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What is mamimum rate of CST applicable on Plastic Doors in NOIDA?


Can anyone mail journal entries for me? my Mail id rukmini@live.in


Whats the Balnace of Closing stock so if we issued the materil then the Closing stick will be dr and in case we pirchsed the materil the closing stock will be cr so tell me that i m correct or not


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