reading lines from a file by searching a word(instr) and
copying to other textfile,but its only copying only one
line but there are some other lines match criteria but not
copying to the files

Answer Posted / senthilg


If InStr(st_pos, givenstring, "<indexTerm>") <> 0 Then
st_pos = InStr(st_pos, givenstring, ""<indexTerm>")
close_pos = InStr(st_pos, givenstring, "</indexTerm>")
find_String = Mid(givenstring, st_pos, (close_pos -
st_pos) + Len("</indexTerm>"))
st_pos=close_pos +1
End If

Loop While InStr(st_pos, givenstring, "<indexTerm>") <> 0

'Start String =<indexTerm>
'End String =</indexTerm>

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