what is back plate in centrifugal pumps and its purpose?

Answer Posted / dhruv dave

Back plate is the part of the pump which fits with the
bearing housing with the help of bolts.Back plate consist
of gland ring towards bearing side where mechanical seal or
gland packings are arranged in such a way that handled
fluid by the pump can be protected from leaking in
atmosphere.Other end of the back plate is towards impeller
which becomes one of the wall in between the suction
casing.Potential energy of Sucked liquid will be turned to
kinetic energy by the high speed rotaion of impeller,during
this operation sucked liquid will be filling the close
clearance in between backplate and impeller which helps in
incresing of pressure.
Back plate has wear ring in its id which has nearly 0.1 mm
clearance with the wear ring on impeller which helps in
preventing the back flow of the discharge to suction and
increases the efficiency.

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