What is this program?

Answer Posted / sujit

program is a sets of meaningful instructions.

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Good pm!What is the common questions ask in UK embassy Philippines during interview?What requirements should i bring?Thanks.


My name is Saleem and i want to go to UK i have applied visa for UK my work is Au Pair. so please tell me what questions are asking to me immigration officer please inform me.


can anyone tell me what's the procedure and eligibility to apply for a working visa in UK?


I am supposed to sit exams in the UK for 2 days. I am told I am supposed to apply for a student Visitor VISA. However I am told for one to get a student visitor visa, the institution conducting the course MUST be accredited by British Accreditation Council (BAC) or Accreditation UK. In my case, I am undertaking an internationally recognized professional qualification that is provided by a short course provide in the UK that is not accredited by the UK border agency. I have been accepted on a course of study and I have also received a letter from the institution inviting me for the exams. Can I still apply for a UK student visitor visa/ what should I do since I only need 2 days to be able to sit these exams and these exams are only scheduled in the UK?


hi, i have lost my entry clearence letter, how do i get it back or duplicate? should i found it online? ek


This refers to the travel of my son in denmark in which his connecting flight from manila to hongkong then london lastly to denmark. my question is, do we need to secure a transit visa from your office as per advice from the staff of denmark embassy in manila, if so, what are the pertinent documents to be submitted in order for my son and my wife to travel without any delay. My son and my will wife will leave manila on 17 May 2010. Your prompt reply on this request is higly appreciated Thank you! Mabuhay po kayo ! Sincerely yours, Alejo A. Ocampo, Jr, Father of Jerone Ocampo


Why do you go to uk


Q.1)i am a uk born person, but i havent been living there, now im married and have two kids holding pakistani nationality,now i want to apply for visit uk visa,what are the requirements to be fulfilled?


hi, i have applied fr my uk student visa on 18th august,my querie while application tym i had to show 24060gbp = 1786000,but i showed 18.18 lacs bt nw the pound rate is gone up,@ present fr 24060gbp=1824000,what ll happen to my visa..?


I was refused UK student visa 9 years back. Thereafter, I lost my refusal letter & passport. Now I have new passport & it has no reference of previous passport. At present, I need to apply for 6 months visa to appear in an exam. But I have no idea as to how I can fill visa form providing info of earlier refusal. As I lost passport & refusal letter, I can't exactly remember date, reasons & ref no. of refusal Please help


hi mate, im a transgender from philippines and i met a guy from uk way back 2010, and he is inviting me to come in uk for 2 weeks, well iam a photographer/ a call center agent, i want to visit uk to see my friend and also for tourism. he said that he will sponsor me everything like accomodation and financial? what question or requirement should i pass to the embassy so i can have a uk tourist visa?will i show my financial status also even if my friend state on his invitation letter that he will provide me everything. please help me...


Hi. I was rejected a US student Visa(F1 Category) twice - once on 11th June 2012 and then again on 26th June 2012. The denial was because I wasn't able to prove home ties to my country and was handed a 214(b) booklet explaining more about the rejection. I have been accepted into 5 uni's in the UK for an under graduation course in Management and I have decided to attend Brunel University (Highly Trusted Sponsor) hence I will have to apply for UK Tier 4 Visa. In the UK visa application I will mention about my denials as I do not want to take a risk but is there any way to improve my chances? There is a specific column where in you can explain more about your application --So what can i mention there??? I will have more than required finances and I am also required to pay 4500 pounds to receive CAS(Will that be a positive point that I have already paid a part of tuition fee?). I have a very good academic background if that helps. Any suggestion is appreciated. Thank you, Please shed every piece of info and advice you can.


hi,i am suppose to be present for an uk study visa interview on 2nd jan 2008.can you give me your valuable views/tips about the same?how will be the interview questions like?


Hi my grandmother is from the UK now married and living in Aus. I am looking to go to UK and asked her for her birth cert. she is very worried it will get lots in post and asked if it is ok to send a copy of it?


i was offered to study in UK. i have all the documents ready for the VISA process. but my IELTS has got expired a month back. are there any chances of rejecting VISA for this reason? ?