Un-Answered Questions { QTP }

we use a file extension .properties why is it used and where do we use it plz help me out with detailed explanation and navigation of how to use on the QTP 8.2?


how to use the regular expression for the below code-- swf("application name").swftreeview ("Treename").select"Medication;Pharmacy:56" There is a tree view window of the folder's ie Medication- >Pharmacy(sub folder)with 56 as count of records...The records can be different or if no records present in the specific folder..then it show "Paharmacy:-no records".Whe i record at the first time .....and try to rerun the same script with different records count say "pharmacy:800"..qtp is not regnizing it...therefore i want to user regular expression..but donot now how to use it and where to use...i have tried.... swf("application name").swftreeview ("Treename").select"Medication;Pharmacy:\*"..but it s of no use..plz help..me


Plz Explain How to access Or Store Script from VSS? Explain Real time work (qtp) where you store folders and next to how to you access that folders and how you maintain folders in VSS ? What are the Menu's in VSS? Suppose in Manual, by using Checkin Checkout u can access documents. how you access in QTp REal time?


HOW AUTOMATE TEST SCRIPT ? what time it will do? after gneration of basic script or Any , Plz explain detailed?


Whar are the challenges do we face while testing web based applications using the automation tool QTP or any??


how to do the batch testing in test director using manual testing procedure?




Diff b/w Health care domain and Banking Domain?


In Test Directory, What are the contents in test case designing? if you prepare in excel sheet how u use thrw Test Directory?


In QTP TEST DIRECTOR COMBINATION WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF TEST DIRECTOR? In Somebody says to store test cases and design test cases.?ok fine , but In test director 5.0 , QTp not launching. what u do?


Hi,Sudhanandareddy plz forword framework and ppts for QTP to me. This is my mail id: ranjith_99reddy@yahoo.co.in (your contact number also)


I hav installed QTP8.2, im working on webapplication, while running the script giving error msg like "QTPro.exe generated errors and will be closed by windows. You will restart the program. An error log is being created". Pls anybody what is the problem, what i have to do for this? Thanks...


What is QTP scenario.


any body plz send health care domain project to me with explanation any two modules on that project. mail_id: ranjith_99reddy@yahoo.co.in


Hi, my requirement is to make a query in SQL using QTP. And i have to get the results of that query and i have to use those results for future testing. I created a driver but i dont know the code for using this Driver. please help me by providing the solution for y requorement