Un-Answered Questions { Programming Code }

We need to write the function to check the password entered is correct or not based on the following conditions.. a) It must have atleast one lower case character and one digit. b)It must not have any Upper case characters and any special characters c) length should be b/w 5-12. d) It should not have any same immediate patterns like abcanan1 : not acceptable coz of an an pattern abc11se: not acceptable, coz of pattern 11 123sd123 : acceptable, as not immediate pattern adfasdsdf : not acceptable, as no digits Aasdfasd12: not acceptable, as have uppercase character


Given a table of the form: Product Sold on A 1/1/1980 B 1/1/1980 C 1/1/1980 A 1/1/1980 B 1/1/1980 C 2/1/1980 A 2/1/1980 There are 30 products and 10,000 records of such type. Also the month period during which sales happened is given to u. Write the program to display the result as: Product Month No. of copies A January 12 A February 15 A March 27 B January 54 B February 15 B March 10 C January 37


U hv to enter a range from a and b and search hw many no. of times a pattern n. occurs between the range a and b. Eg :i/p:enter range :0 100 Enter pattern: 13 o/p: the no. times 13 occurred betwwn 0 to 100:1 Eg :i/p:enter range :100 1000 Enter pattern: 13 o/p: the no. times 13 occurred betwwn 100 to 1000: (in this 13,113,131,132,133…139,213,313,…913 all these will be counted)


A suduco given & u hv 2 check if it is incomplete(blanks left),or correct or incorrect


write a program for area of circumference of shapes


why nlogn is the lower limit of any sort algorithm?


what mean void creat_object?in public class in this code class A{ public: int x; A(){ cout << endl<< "Constructor A";} ~A(){ cout << endl<< "Destructor A, x is\t"<< x;} }; void create_object(); void main() { A a; a.x=10; { A c; c.x=20; } create_object(); } void create_object() { A b; b.x=30; }


What is data _null_? ,Explain with code when u need to use it in data step programming ?


why do you use macros? Explain a situation where you had to incorporate macros in your proc report? use a simple instream data example with code ?


What is the difference between proc means and proc tabulate ? explain with a simple example when you have to use means or tabulate?


What is the match merge ? compare data step match merge with proc sql merge - how many types are there ? data step vs proc sql


can you use proc sql to manpulate a data set or would u prefer to use proc report ? if so why ? make up an example and explain in detail


can any one give me code to keyed a flat file and used chain in RPGLE to search any item


What is the coding about how to recognize color in fuzzy logic using Matlab R2009b?


write a program using virtual function to find the transposing of a square matrix?