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7- What is the Dissipation Factor and the difference between it and Insulation Resistance Test? 8- What is the task (function) of DC and AC reactors in power plant? 9- What is the task (function) of (open delta with earthed) in some types in transformers? 10- What is the base of the selection of the vector group in transformers? 11- What is the zig-zag transformer and its function by drawing in large detail? 12- What is the polarity ? 13- Why we make short between phase(R) in high side and phase (r) in low side in vector group test? Where High Side ( R ,S and T ) and Low Side ( r ,s and t ). 14- What are the time on delay and time off delay? 15- What is the vector group? 15- What is the task (function) of different types of vector group such as Dyn11 , Dd0 , YNd1,……..,?


Can you please give me NCFM DP module question papers other than the questions in nseindia.com?


I need the recommended size for a 3 phase transformer at 13.8 KV Primary and connected loads of 3000 kVA at 4200 volts and 2375 kVA @ 480 volts AC.


Is it correct to covered fesibility report expenses and survey expenses in pre-operative exepenses ?


I want to set position for a particular text in a certain position in several of my cics maps.Please provide me with a solution. Ex: If "F1-Help" has to be set to pos(4,27) always in all the maps within a PDS.


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i have one answer from you that today the test cases are not stored in the database(SQL server 2005). But in automation testing where does the test case store? plz tell me... i have more confusion


i m a frsh chemical engineer now i m confuse to attend the interview so anybody pls send model question papers to this christ_vivek33@yahoo.com


how in interview asking about the general


why we r not earthed Control cable of C.T. terminals


What are the different power system losses and how can it be eliminated?


Can an inverter be used as a converter? How?


why earth have -ve charge


how to make an earthing certificate


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