Mobile OS Interview Questions
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What is Mono for Android?

1 1456

What is included in Mono for Android?

1 1553

What do I need to develop Mono for Android applications?

1 1444

Will my users need to install Mono?

1 1483

Where is the UI Designer?

1 1693

 How is Mono for Android licensed?

1 1502

What is the API profile exposed by Mono for Android?

1 1513

Are the Android releases available in a ROM?

1 3045

When will it be available in a ROM?

1 1547

How do I turn off, or reboot Android?

1 1535

Should we jump in to Android? What’s the guarantee that’s what I will see on a phone? Will service providers turn off things?

1 1564

What if my app uses location API, and service provider shuts that off, can they?

1 1600

If I’m a game developer and I’m building piece of content and I want to sell it, how do I do that and realize revenue?

1 1541

We use SMS interception for system signalling. Is there a mechanism for an app to respond and stop the signaling chain? Is there security around that so that one vendor can’t hijack a message and respond to it?

1 1993

Can the user set a priority?

1 1631

Un-Answered Questions { Mobile OS }

What is a model class?


What is the difference between array and nsarray?


What is the importance of setting permissions in application development in Android programming?


What are broadcast receivers?


What is the difference between a class , a file and an activity in android?


What is the difference between delegates and notifications in iOS operating system?


What do you mean by adb?


Once an application has been submitted, can I make changes to my submission?


What are the tools used to develop an android app?


How can you make a property optional in swift?


Explain some design patterns which we normally use during the app development.


What is race condition in ios?


Explain ~/documents, ~/library, ~/tmp. What directory is ~ on ios?


Please explain how to prevent the data from reloading and resetting when the screen is rotated?


What is variable in ios?