PHP Interview Questions
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1.What are the difference between echo , print , print_r ? else this 3 can we show output to a client in some other way?

Leeway Hertz,

16 33687

how can i find number of rows in a table using MS Access and php? i used odbc_num_rows($query); but it returned -1.

1 2704

How can I maintain the count of how many persons have hit my site?

MTOG, Rushmore Consultancy,

1 7963

What is the difference between echo and print statement?

Rushmore Consultancy,

11 13382

How can I use the COM components in php?

Covansys, Rushmore Consultancy,

1 6839

Who is the father of PHP and explain the changes in PHP versions?

Rushmore Consultancy,

2 4113

What are the differences between Get and post methods in form submitting, give the case where we can use get and we can use post methods?

HCL, Rushmore Consultancy, Thursday Technology,

11 18904

How can we submit a form without a submit button?

Rushmore Consultancy,

2 5328

How can we know that a session is started or not?

Rushmore Consultancy,

3 6693

How can we create a database using PHP and mysql?

Rushmore Consultancy,

4 4823

Functions in IMAP, POP3 AND LDAP?

Rushmore Consultancy,

1 6201

What is meant by nl2br()?

Rushmore Consultancy,

4 8068

Suppose your Zend engine supports the mode Then how can u configure your PHP Zend engine to support mode ?

Rushmore Consultancy,

1 4099

How can we encrypt the username and password using PHP?

Rushmore Consultancy,

3 5659

What is mean by RSS?How can i use this?


1 6005

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Un-Answered Questions { PHP }

Which method removes the last element from the end of an array?


What is namespace in php?


How to find the index of an element in an array php?


What is the tags in PHP is not a valid way to begin and end a PHP code block?


How big is nvarchar max?


What is the difference between array_pop() and array_push()?


How can we determine whether a php variable is an instantiated object of a certain class?


Tell me what is pear?


What is a php session?


What is the use of pear in php?


What are php applications?


Tell me when a conditional statement is ended with an endif?


Is php pass by reference or value?


What does $_env means?


Is php class name case sensitive?