PHP Interview Questions
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just explain MYSql ISAM and InnoDB functions. and what is the diffrent between both. and which is the better in both.

2 5288

write code to find the date difference b/w two given date using PHP not MYSQL function?

HyperQuality, Synctra Solutions,

3 8520

write function of the sentence traversal passing the parameter, e.g input:this is input sentence. output:sentence input is this.


1 3882

write the function to fetch a image from mysql databases (datatype blob).

1 5372

i have saved the password in encrypted format in database. now i want how to retrive the password in decrypted format.

6 8075

What is Joomla?

T3 Softwares, Zend,

5 22166

how to include a datepicker in a form using php and mysql

2 7149

How can i change the extension name like i have a page which name aboutme.php but i want to show it aboutme.php3 or aboutme.aspx?

3 5790

what is the difference between mysql_fetch_array() and mysql_fetch_row()?


17 63323

display selected value in dropdown list through javascript without page refresh

1 6660

how to select single row from table and insert into same table as a new record by using a single sql query.

2 7733

display selected value in dropdown list through javascript without page refresh

ASD Lab,

5 86590

How are Variables Defined in PHP?

T3 Softwares,

6 8771

How to communicate with sockets in php?

1 4352

What is PHP?

8 8482

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Un-Answered Questions { PHP }

What is csrf token in php?


What are the two main string operators?


Tell me what is htaccess?


what is difference between PHP4 , PHP5


Can php run on windows server?


Describe session in php.


How do sessions work in php?


Is ruby on rails php?


Tell me what type of operation is needed when passing values through a form or an url?


what is constructor


What is the use of anonymous function in php?


Explain different sorting function in php?


How to read one character from a file?


Is null in php?


When are you supposed to use endif to end the conditional statement?