PHP Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What will replacement of localhost username and password on submission a site

2 5608

does current version of mysql (myisam) supports foreign keys ?

2 5598

what is magic code ?

eVenturers, iFlash, Zynga,

4 10893

Which of the following represents the proper way to set a session variable? Answer: a. $_SESSION['foo'] = 'bar'; b. session_start(); c. session_set_save_handler ('myopen', 'myclose', 'myread', 'mywrite', 'mydelete', 'mygarbage'); d. $foo = $_SESSION['foo']; 2.When administering MySQL, you should make the data directory accessible via the operating system 3.which statement can be used to determine how the optimizer resolves a query

Cybercom, TCS,

9 16335

WHat is the diff. between PHP4 and PHP5?

Clarion Technologies, IBM, OmniNet, Sparkton Infotech,

6 34213

what is interface in php? how it is use?

Infosys, PHP, Times, Torque Infotech, Wipro,

10 44922

what is abstrac class? why it is use?

5 9194

how to run PHP in command line?

InfoShore, Ramp Green, Xtreeme,

8 21982

What is RSS?How to use it in Program?

3 7202

how to do connectivity of 2 dbs in PHP script?


3 9459

what is the current salary package in India for a PHP & MySQL programmer who has 3 years experience

ABC, BLG Logistics, Google, HCL, IBM, Infosys, People Group, PHP, Torque Infotech, V Angelz Technologies, Yahoo,

127 204464

How to connect SMTP server in php. I want to edit that in mantiss bug tracking tool. If anyone worked on mantiss software or in php, please give answer . I need to modify that in mantiss software.


1 5403

what are the various PHP Script Optimization techniques?

IBM, Krify Software Technologies, TCL,

1 9776

what are the current or latest versions of LAMP ? Linux, Apache, MySql, PHP

4 11054

What is the meaning of curl , which is used while connecting with pay pal? and how it works?

2 14479

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Un-Answered Questions { PHP }

What is the use of super-global arrays in php?


What is full form of php? Who is the father or inventor of php?


What are the differences between session and cookie?


How do we get the current session id?


What language is similar to php?


What are the different loops in php?


How can image properties be retrieved in php?


Why session timeout is important?


Name some of the constants in php and their purpose.


Is overloading possible in php?


What are the different errors in php?


Inside a php function, what param needs to be set in order to access a global variable?


What is new keyword in php?


What is the use of htmlspecialchars in php?


How a variable is declared in php?