Fashion Modelling Interview Questions
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Which designer brought messages on T-shirts into mainstream fashion when she protested against nuclear missiles in the 1980s?

1 3620

Name three items that teddy boys would have worn?

1 4480

Which fabric is flax fibre made into?

1 3790

What C19th fashion item was called a Coal scuttle?

1 4803

Which Queen wore widow?s weeds until she died in the C20th?

1 2763

When was the Cage Crinoline or Artificial Crinoline invented?

1 4562

What does 'crin 'mean?

1 3702

Which material was used in such vast quantities in the 1890s that Courtaulds built a textile empire on the sales of it alone?

1 3582

How long was widow expected to mourn in the Victorian era?

1 5391

What were engageantes?

1 3624

Describe articles that were called either a tournure or a bustle?

1 3964

What was Amelia Bloomer famous for?

2 5959

What fabric style did Queen Victoria help make popular?

1 3627

What famous exhibition did Prince Albert organise for London in 1851?


What is a Pardessus?

1 4025

Un-Answered Questions { Fashion Modelling }

What was pelisse-robe?


When did waistlines reach a peak height in Regency Britain?


i left my study in 2001-02 and i joined retail in 2005so wht should i answer for this gap?


im kayyum khan i m 27 years old from U.p. i m 5.6 inch height having good photogenice face . i want to be model .pls tell me some tips how can i joind this feild. my email-id is thankQ


Which two individuals are credited with bringing Punk fashion as a style to a wider market?


What was a style of red cloak called in the C18th?


hai i'm abirami my age is 16 running iam very interested in modelliung iam wheatish in colour iam 40 kg and iam looking fare only all this things are possible to me to become a model? pls answer me. u can cont me on


In which centuries were decorative black velvet or silk patches used to cover smallpox scars?


how to choose a different and easy and most interesting theme for making a garment collection????????


What was redingote?


Discuss Modern Clothing.


How and when do most fashion designers get their big break?


please post answers as fast as you can i am in a urgent need for an i nterview in a fashion company. 1. Briefly describe your ideal job? 2. Why did you choose this career? 3. What goals do you have in your career? 4. How do you plan to achieve these goals? 5. Can you work well under deadlines or pressure? 6. Tell us about a time when you failed to meet a deadline.What were the repercussions? 7. Do you have reference list? 8. Why do you want to work here? 9. Why should we hire you over the others waiting to be interviewed? 11. How soon can you travel down to start your new Job?


What are the Psychological Aspects of Fashion? Explain.


List out any four factors which influences Fashion.