Advertising Media Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What's more important: reach or frequency?

1 4518

How to know which medium works best?


Which one is beneficial big Ad once or smaller Ads many times?


What factors should be considered when choosing a media vehicle?

5 21939

How do I know I'm reaching my target audience?

1 4008

What truth-in-advertising rules apply to advertisers? Under the Federal Trade Commission Act?


What makes an advertisement deceptive?

1 4867

What makes an advertisement unfair?

1 4769

How does the FTC determine if an ad is deceptive?

1 5080

What kind of evidence must a company have to support the claims in its ads?

1 4293

My company offers a money-back guarantee. Very few people have ever asked for their money back. Must we still have proof to support our advertising claims?

1 3198

What kind of advertising claims does the FTC focus on?

1 3708

How does the FTC decide what cases to bring?

1 4153

In your opinion, what has been the single biggest news item from this past year? How did the media cover this event?


Do you think that news reporting has gotten better, gotten worse, or stayed the same over your lifetime?


Un-Answered Questions { Advertising Media }

i am a animation student. in december i am going to face an interview so plse tell me what type of question they will ask ( about animation) how should i tell the answer (i am poor in comunication skill) pls tell me some tips its help full to me


Estimate the storage space required if a color image of 1024*1024 resolution needs to be digitized and image represedted in binary form


What are bounce rates?


What is DFP ?


Explain unsubscribes?


Who is founders of Google?


What is touch points in restaurant?


What kinds of penalties are involved against a company that runs a deceptive ad?


which story over the last 12 months would you most like to have covered and why? : Journalist


How should I get started with content marketing?


Q & Ans related database Management and MIS Repoeting asked in interview?


Which kind of managers you prefer having to report to you?


What is the concept of display advertising?


what should an "editors note" contain? How does one write it? : Journalist


What are the different types of automatic bidding strategies?