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Call Centre Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is the minimum qualification to get call centre jobs. What will be the expected salary 4 a fresher.

11 48877

What r SQA activities?

11 28580

Why should we hire you?

20 41792

Tell me about a suggestion you have made?

1 16723

Tell me about your ability to work under pressure.

19 77905

Describe your management style.

1 5488

Tell you your selfe ?

12 22488

tell me about ur favourite colour

50 524672

If they ask where you want see in next 2 years, then wat should i say?

14 47892

If somebody will ask for my weakness, what i should tell them?

17 32362

Tell me someting about paper weight?

1 5075

what is the difference of customer service and contact service?

4 9832

Which country awards the Nobel Prize? (a) USA (b) UK (c) Russia (d) Sweden (e) Switzerland

18 47413

tell me something about your memories in your life?

3 28199

why do u want to join in wipro?

6 29098

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What is 'alco'?


What template engines you can use with express?


For implementing a crm solution to your business what things need to take care of?


Explain can you vertically scale an amazon instance? How?


What is the use of generics? When was it added to the Java development Kit?


What is smartart?


What is pan number and where we can use pan number?


What is main ts in angular?


What is cache monitoring?


explain one complex mapping with logic? sales project?


Why we cannot override static method?


What are zones in azure?


What does jdbc stand for?


what do you mean by cenvat? and in which is liable?


Why set do not allow duplicates in java?