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Wipro Interview Questions
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Tell me about yourself?

229 498722

why you used Java Script? Can it use for both client side and server side validation purpose?

12 30649

What is Win32?

14 35883

Say about your strengths and weaknesses ?

59 263429

What are Storage Classes in C ?

32 117450

What are advantages and disadvantages of recursive calling ?

12 98496

Marx was belongs to which country

19 21195

What is the difference between SQL, DDL, and DML?

7 70775

what is a template?

2 7820

what is an algorithm in terms of STL?

1 7684

What is the difference between public, private, protected inheritance?

12 58759

What is Virtual Inheritance?

7 15143

What is the difference between operator new and the new operator?

3 11659

What happens if an exception is throws from an, object's constructor and object's destructor?

4 15818

What is the difference between Pointer and a Reference? When you would use them?

4 12076

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Wipro Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Explain what are google sitelinks?


What are the 5 icons appear in the buttom of the controller windows?


1. What is coefficient use for calculation of shuttering. 2. What is coefficient use for calculation of reinforcement in one cum of concrete.


Explain what is the scalar data and scalar variables in Perl?


Why is hibernate used?


Your project progressed as planned up until yesterday. Suddenly, an unexpected risk event occurred. You quickly devised a response to deal with this negative risk event using which of the following tools and techniques of Risk Monitoring and Control? A. Risk management plan updates B. Workarounds C. Corrective action D. Additional risk identification


Does mysql_real_escape_string prevent sql injection?


What are the filtered indexes?


Can we assign the reference to this variable?


What is the difference between insert() and insertOne()?


What would you do if your business tends to decline?


Where is remove background in powerpoint 2007?


What are the security aspects provided with cloud?


what is constraints? Also explain the different types of constraints?


If relative y axis vibration sensor is by passed, and relative x axis and absolute sensor is left working. how much monitoring i would have risked?