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Wipro Interview Questions
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Tell me about yourself?

229 498765

why you used Java Script? Can it use for both client side and server side validation purpose?

12 30652

What is Win32?

14 35888

Say about your strengths and weaknesses ?

59 263446

What are Storage Classes in C ?

32 117471

What are advantages and disadvantages of recursive calling ?

12 98499

Marx was belongs to which country

19 21206

What is the difference between SQL, DDL, and DML?

7 70784

what is a template?

2 7821

what is an algorithm in terms of STL?

1 7684

What is the difference between public, private, protected inheritance?

12 58762

What is Virtual Inheritance?

7 15145

What is the difference between operator new and the new operator?

3 11660

What happens if an exception is throws from an, object's constructor and object's destructor?

4 15818

What is the difference between Pointer and a Reference? When you would use them?

4 12077

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Un-Answered Questions

What is the law of machines?


What are functions in excel?


What are the advantages of using a fet instead of a bjt?


What is shift planning?


Can python replace bash?


Does treemap sort on key or value?


what are the steps to troubleshoot the feeders?


What is 16 bits called?


How was ajax killed?


What is an f string in python?


How is sap srm linked with sap mm?


i am one of applicant for applying to jobs of physics lecturers. caould u have an opportunity for us according to our education and experience


How Does Bankruptcy Help Me In The Short Run?


Show the forces acting on a ladder


What is setfill c++?