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Satyam Interview Questions
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what is Regresstion testing? when it will be needed?

19 24395

Where are the expected results file will be stored? what is the extension of that?

1 9042

Give the syntax of Inner,outer Join?"

7 31665

How do you copy the script from source alert?

2 6365

Can you create a field without data element domain?

9 32250

What is the Difference Between basic list and interactive list?

5 9143

tell me about status codes?

2 10943

what are the fields in BDC Data?

5 15711

how you identify errors in call tr?

2 7104

what is Tcode for Basic ALE configuration?

2 7060

what are the stpes in ALE?

2 7503

Suppose in the Report Program I want to pass data to another Report Program will you do that one?

4 10731

How you prepare documentation?

2 12037

what is web server?

3 12130

Write a program to reverse a linked list?

8 18139

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Satyam Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

SIR I faced two exams for the junoior Engg. but i do not passed them so sir i requested sir u send me question papers for technicallly for elect& comm engg.


What are the types of storage?


What is css radial-gradient() function?


What is a user view?


What do double curly brackets are used in angular 5?


What type of interrupts are used for critical events and why?


What is the Multicast address used in STP ?


Which is not a valid scale in d3 js?


What is the flow of requests in struts based applications?


What are the purposes of floor and sign functions?


Is there anyway to automatically update the Datasource name in Database Checkpoints object when we migrate tests to a new release?


Why power factor should not be in leading (capacitive) mode of any load.


When should a user prefer provisioned iops over normal rds storage?


How can you identify whether or not any changes are made to the DataSet object since it was last loaded?


What is the minimum version of php that needs to be running in order to use html_ajax?