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Meritas Interview Questions
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ABOUT US We, the Meritas Team, is a group of committed and hardworking professional techies, trainers and business consultants. We create, improvise and adapt the best practices in training industry to help our students to standout in the job market to get placed fast. Once a student joins with us, we impart the best possible technical real-time training. Along with that we give utmost care to groom his/her communication, leadership, interpersonal and language skills. We have a committed team of professional HR professionals to help our students to find their dream jobs as soon as they finish their courses.

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Post New Meritas Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is robot.txt?


What is a binary file and how do I open it?


What is the difference between interface and inheritance in c#?


Explain the difference between boxing and unboxing.


How many joomla tables are related with users?


From the following identify the non schema object: packages, triggers, public synonyms, tables and indexes.


What is the difference between raw data, distinct values, and analysis while doing the data preview?


What is OLEDB?


what is the difference between clustered and non clustered index in sql? : Sql dba


What size is recommended for each node?


What is the use of defining workflow scenarios in workflow engine?


Ganesh & Gopal joined a firm drawing salary of Rs 25000 per month.After serving 3 yrs ,they started business of their own in partnership,contributing Rs200000(expected life 10 yrs,bought spare parts worth Rs 33000 from Kundu on credit.Office supplies were purchased for cash.Initially they were very busy in conducting their business operations but by the end of the 1st year,31/12/2005 they were disappointed when they found their bank balances.Following is the summary of their bank statement. Receipts: Share Capital Rs 250000 Collections from Customers 412000 Payments: Equipment 200000 Salaries of Assistants 88000 Rent advance for 2 yrs 96000 On-year ins. Policy on equipment 12000 Office stationery 27000 Payment to Kundu 29000 Withdrawals of Ganesh 90000 Withdrawals of Gopal 90000 Closing balance c/d 30000 ----------- Total : 6,62,000 Still amount receivable from customers for services to them amounted to Rs 30,000 & closing balance of office stationery is Rs2000,spare parts Rs2600 were utilised by the end of the year .Prepare trial balance with the available information and show total. Also what is the net profit.


Explain the header data in layout set.


How do I start mysql in ubuntu?


Do you use separate seo strategies for google,yahoo and bing?