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IBM JCL Interview Questions
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Can we give TIME = (1440, 59) also ? or is TIME = (1439, 59) is the last one ?

5 13158

If a JOBSTEP abends, AND without using COND also, all the subsequent steps execute, then what is the use of using EVEN ? Why do we use EVEN when without it also all the JOBSTEPs execute ?

2 5491

Is CPU time assigned to a JOB and JOBSTEP BOTH, by default ?

4 5357

Could you provide an example and its effect OF, Using COND on JOB and EXEC both ?

4 5520

COND -> step1 . . step2, Step2, Executes if the CC of step1 is 0. But even if it is NOT 0 and if we dont give COND, will step2 be executed ?

4 7821

IF WE GIVE COND on step3 then, What does the following mean ? And Just adding to that, All the below COND are VALID as per the specifications. (i) COND = (8,LT,step1,step2) ---(AND/OR ?) (ii) COND = (8,LT,step1,step2, ONLY), (iii) COND = (8,LT,step1,ONLY) will it execute only if this condition is true or only if step1 ABENDS ? (iv) COND = (8,LT,step1,step2,EVEN), (v) COND = (8,LT,step1,EVEN) ?

2 5544

How to release the Output HELD by using HOLD = YES on DD statement ?

2 5151

Are all (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) of the below are VALID to reference a temporary dataset ? STEP2 DD1 DD DSN = &&TEMP STEP3 DD2 DD (i) DSN = TEMP (ii) DSN = *.TEMP (iii) DSN = *.STEP1.DD1 (iv) DSN = *.STEP1.DD1.ONE

8 8091

Can a temporary dataset be converted to permanent dataset and vice-versa in the middle of a job ?

4 7799

We can use PASS with permanent datasets also. THEN Which is the condition in which we may use PASS (instead of KEEP) with permanent data sets, while there is no need to specify UNIT and VOL for them like temporary data sets (in cas we use KEEP for permanent data sets) ?


We can use PASS with permanent datasets also. THEN Which is the condition in which we may use PASS (instead of KEEP) with permanent data sets, while there is no need to specify UNIT and VOL for them like temporary data sets (in cas we use KEEP for permanent data sets) ?


Which storage devices are grouped under DASD and SYSDA ?

1 9247

When a dataset is UNCATALOGED in a JOBSTEP, how to get its UNIT and VOL in JCL to refer in subsequent steps ?

1 6019

FOR a GDG, the book by 'SABA ZAMEER' says 'We can NOT ALTER the LIMIT parameter after it is defined'. (p-211). But many persons have written that it can be changed, which one is true ?

4 5930

GDGs can be CREATED (not COPIED) only on DASD and NOT on tape drives ? Is it True ?

2 6304

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