What is MFT and when it is acted.

Answer Posted / saurabh

MFT means Master Fuel Trip. In MFT all running  Oil gun / coal mill,PA fan tripped and fuel stopped.
MFT will act in following Condition 
1. Both ID fan Tripped
2. Both FD fan Tripped
3. Both APH tripped
4. All Feed water Pump tripped.
5. All BCW Pump Tripped
6. Drum Level LL
7. Drum level HH
8. Furnace Pressure LL
9. Furnace Pressure HH
10. All Flame Lost
11. All Fuel Lost
12. NO ignition after purging >30 min
13. Air Flow < 25 % & Load > 30 %
14. Turbine Tripped & Load > 30 %
15. MFT button
16. Flame Scanner cooling lost
17. All PA fan stopped & any Mill running 
18. Sparking Failure > 3

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