if the requrements are not there in the specifications then
how will you write the test scenario& test Cases

Answer Posted / nesa

Based on Brs or use case

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How would you prepare the test plan without srs?


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In an example of a Bank Teller requesting that her computer program should include an addition that shows the full Customer Profile on her main screen, what would a Waterfall vs. Agile approach include and/or look like for such a request?


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hi, they have given 2 tables to write quries in SQL SERVER 2000 based on table as follows . 1st table :author: COLUMNS AS FOLLOWS pk. AUTHOR F_NAME DOB NATIONALITY 2ND TABLE BOOKS: COLUMNS AS FOLLOWS; PK ISDN F.K AUTHOR LANGUAGE PUBLISH_DATE; 1) RETRIVE author who is indian and hindi write in a) as joins b) sub quries 2)retrive who is younger author ; 3)retrive author who wrote more than one book in different language. 4)retrive author who has wrote in different language in each year write all queries in sql for sql server


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