1. Why "d" is postfix in almost every service name of Linux
like httpd, dhcpd?
2. how to restrict su & ssh services for some users?
3. how can we configure a default gateway for 10 n/w cards
in a server?

Answer Posted / alf55

In regard to question #2:

The "su" command is restricted to those people that know the
password of the user that they are switching to.

If user "pete" uses the command "su - fred" then user pete
would have to enter the proper password for "fred" to succeed.

If you are referring to "sudo" there is a configuration file
that is edited by a special command usually called sudoedit
but I have seen it have other names. The "sudo" command can
be restricted based on host, username, group membership and
so on. Unlike what people think, sudo can be used to change
to any user to perform a command and lots of "database
administrators" and sites with more than one system
administrators use this feature to be able to track which
"real users" issue which commands.

As far as "ssh" the configuration file "ssh_config" found in
"/etc/ssh/" is the "client" side configuration file and it
allows the restrictions/permissions on a per user basis when
that is needed.

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