what is maximum demand.

Answer Posted / loboreliance2003

The greatest average value of the power, apparent power, or
current consumed by a customer of an electric power system,
the averages being taken over successive time periods,
usually 15 or 30 minutes in length.
The maximum demand of an electrical installation, so far as
tariff purposes are oncerned, is the maximum rate at thwich
the supply is being used during any complete half-hour
period, and is measured in kilovolt-amperes (kva). Kva is
similar in value to KW but is usually in the case of motive
power, 10-20% higher. For instance if a 20kw motor and a
6kw heater are on for a half hour period then the MD would
be in the order of 28KVA (assuming kva to be 10% higher
then KW on motor) The ratio of KW to KVA is called power

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