what is qtp automation frame work,what is the use of that
frame work?

Answer Posted / nandeesh kumar

Automation frame work is the folder structure to execute the
test scripts. In which we will specify the test scripts to
be execute in one shot.
It will be having folder structures to keep test scripts to
be execute, Result folders to view results after execution
and the scripts(.vbs) which does these activities.
Test scripts can be keep in excel or in Quality center as
per the company standards. Result folder contains excel
sheet where status(pass\fail) of each and every step of all
the test cases will be created.
eg:You can specify the 30 scripts to be execute in excel
sheet and associate .vbs files and run. so that all result
will generate in result folder after execution. No need of
stopping execution at any point of time. Just analyze the
result after execution stops.

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